Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Beginnings

Today is my son's first day of kindergarten.  It is officially the time that I have no children in my home for the day (well okay he only goes for an hour today but as of next Friday I have two full time students).  It is a little bit of a sad time, listening to my quiet home but on the same hand it is very exciting.  I can now put some focus on my career search.  I can spend the hours I need working on my portfolio and finding the right people to present it to.  It is this moment in my life that I will put my time and efforts into my passion and pursue a new path.  Isn't the unknown an exciting place?  A place so far out of comfort zones that they can't even be seen in the distance but really comfort zones are very uncomfortable for me.  The goal has been set, the time has come I can't wait to see what this journey holds but for now, my hour is up and I have to pick up my "almost" full time student.  Have a sunshiny day! -Jacki